A transformed
healthcare landscape
that cares for everyone

GP+ Co-operative Limited (GP+) is a co-operative society formed in Singapore by a group of doctors with the aim of improving healthcare delivery and serving as a quality and price benchmark. GP+ comprises a network of medical and allied healthcare professionals (e.g. GPs, specialists, paramedical and allied health professionals) providing healthcare services for the members of the public.




Clinics & GP Partners

Specialist Partners

Allied Health

Our Vision

Transform healthcare landscape

Benchmark clinical Quality with Prices

Our Mission

Serve the public by helping them navigate our healthcare system

Maintain a repository of clinic quality and prices of healthcare services

Care for healthcare providers so that they can provide care for the public

Our Strategy


Social enterprise to reach out to the community and healthcare professional


Adopt self-help strategy to encourage self-care and responsibility for self


Harnessing innovation and technology to change mindset and enhance efficiency


Health promotion and disease prevention as foundation of all healthcare


Social enterprise to reach out to the community and healthcare professional

Our Approach in Action

For Healthcare Providers

Collaborate with Experts: Create toolkits and guides shaped by diverse stakeholder input to enhance patient care.
Provide quality education to keep updated of the latest best practices.

Member Benefits: Partner with services to offer tailored packages that benefit both members and their patients

Trusted Care Network: Foster a reliable network within GP+ for seamless, continued patient care

For The Public

Public Outreach: Organise educational events and initiatives to promote health awareness

Trusted Care: Provide patients with consistent, value-driven care through our aligned and dedicated member doctors

Quality Resources: Ensure care excellence with support from members who access our trusted tools and resources

Members’ Core Values


Remain pure and humble, always keeping the patients in focus


With one mind and heart, collaborating with all healthcare professionals selflessly


Our hearts are to transform healthcare and offer quality of service


Through innovative means


Active participation in all schemes and programs

Ordinary Members of the Co-Op